
Foot Massage

Nearly as common as the body massage, Thai foot massage options appear almost everywhere the former is available. Though the title implies only feet are tended to, in actuality legs, lower thighs, hands and forearms also receive attention during a traditional Thai foot massage. After cleansing, the feet are anointed with a skin lotion or oil and reflex points are stimulated with fingers and occasionally a small wooden stick. Force is applied tenderly and precisely to specific nerve endings at the bottom of the feet. Each part of the foot is reputably linked to another, often distant part of the body, with influence extending to vital organs as well as muscles.
Pressing at the base of the second toe is thought to rouse the nerve controlling the lungs and bronchial system, while drawing a knuckle along the instep eases pain in the spine and promotes better posture. Thai foot massage ensures that feet and legs are lavished with the consideration and attentiveness they deserve. They are the pillars of the human body, after all.

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