
Facial Massage

Another variation to the Thai massage is a facial massage treatment. Just like any other form of massage, facial massage relieves tension, promotes relaxation and restores energy to the face and body by increasing circulation. During sleep, circulation is decreased in the body, meaning less blood flow to the face which results in puffiness and a drained complexion. Facial massage stimulates blood flow in facial tissue, restoring a healthy glow and maintaining a firm and smooth appearance.
Thai facial therapy uses gentle, circular strokes along differing regions of the head, face, and neck. Finger movement is always in an upward motion and, when performed regularly, keeps skin appearing tight and youthful. The forehead and nose are targeted to reduce the appearance of horizontal lines and the nostril area receives focused rubbing to unclog pores and reduce blemishes. Mouth and cheeks receive wider, sweeping strokes to prevent wrinkles and the sagging of facial muscles, while the chin and neck are targeted to promote muscle tone. The gestures aimed at the neck area are often performed in order to thwart the vile and loathsome double chin. With gentle fingers gliding over closed eyes, Thai facial massage makes relaxation virtually inevitable and couples the experience with improvements in skin texture and appearance.

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